AquaChile has the entire salmon production chain completely integrated, from the eggs to the marketing and distribution of our products to tables around the world. Learn about our different areas and the job opportunities we have in each of them.

Learn about the company's divisions

planta alimentos aqua


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planta alimentos aqua

Food Plant

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planta alimentos aqua


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planta alimentos aqua


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planta alimentos aqua

Supply Chain

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planta alimentos aqua

Administration and Finance

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planta alimentos aqua

Corporate Affairs and Sustenainability

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planta alimentos aqua

Internship and Thesis

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Our Brands

Marca global AquaChile, que se caracteriza por su frescura, sabor y formatos prácticos,  son una alternativa alimenticia sana para compartir con la familia y amigos.

AquaChile's global brand, characterized by its freshness, flavor and practical formats, are a healthy food alternative to share with family and friends.

Marca ultra premium de AquaChile, se caracteriza por su belleza, frescura, sabor y a su vez por ser producida con los más altos estándares ambientales, de sustentabilidad, y de bienestar animal.

Ultra premium brand from AquaChile, it is characterized by its beauty, freshness, flavor and at the same time for being produced with the highest environmental, sustainability, and animal welfare standards.